Photo published

One of my photo that I took of the monorail at the Museum of Science Fiction
in Seattle got published in the Schmap Seattle guide - the online and
the Apple iphone version.

People and Culture

The best part of living in the US is that it has people from all over the world.
I find it very interesting to interact with people from different countries,
having different cultures and different point of views. Interacting with them really
expands your thinking and alters the way you perceive things.

Each country has its own uniqueness and its perception of what is crucial.
But the best part is finding out that a lot of things are perceived as sameby all
the different cultures of the world. I want to somehow meet up people from
every country in my lifetime .

Here are the people I have worked with till now :

  • American
  • Armenian
  • Italian
  • Indian
  • French
  • Phillippino
  • Colombian
  • Spanish
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • Taiwanese
  • German
  • English
  • Singaporean
  • Russian